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How to do Research


Archive and library collections provide the basic sources for historical research whether you are researching the history of a family, a place or a particular subject area.

This section aims to provide short introductions to some basic information that you might find helpful when beginning your research, and to useful sources for a number of subject areas to get you started. It will be expanded and added to regularly so if you would like to see a particular subject that is not included here please let us know.

There is also a lot of essential information about different types of sources for research and the issues that you will need to think about in other parts of this website, particularly the Learning pages. In particular the examples of sources and the two commentaries in How to Research Black History provide a useful introduction to historical research in general, and will be of use to you even if your interest is not necessarily in black history. Similarly the other learning packages such as Campaigning for Social Justice include directions for learning, lists of useful resources, and are a good example of how a particular subject area can be studied using a range of different archives. To see other examples of documents that you might use to trace the history of an individual or a family have a look at Constance Davis.

For groups interested in exploring archives Connecting Histories offers a series of workshops looking at issues, such as the use of oral history or the use of the visual, which can be adapted for a range of ages and interests. We also offer one-off taster session for groups looking at how archives can be used to explore community histories and identity. For further information contact us by e-mail or by calling 0121 464 1607/8.

Introductory leaflets to download:

Using an archive office for the first time - a short leaflet giving some basic information for your first visit.

Beginning your family history - where to find basic information and useful websites for starting your genealogical research - coming soon.

Sources for family history in Birmingham Central Library - coming soon.

Sources for tracing the history of a building - coming soon.

Sources for tracing the history of a life - coming soon.

How to research a history trail - coming soon.



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